Same cutting edge technology. Same control of your farm drainage.
Now in Obsidian Black.

How Would a Tile Plow Fit Into My Operation?

We know what you're thinking about - your bottom line. At the end of the day, every decision comes down to it. So, we made it easy to run the numbers.

Check out our ROI Calculator where you can customize the values unique to your soil, yield goals, and operation. Find out the value a tile plow returns year after year.

Why Tile In the First Place?

The myths of self-installing drainage tile are plenty. It’s bad for the soil, it steals needed water and product away from the crop, it’s more convenient to hire out. Make sure you research before falling into these myths yourself.

Check out these quick research-based reads for more information on self-installing tile. They’re a great place to start.

Subscribe to our monthly e-newsletter. Become the resident expert in self-installing tile.


Soil-Max creates effective tools for agricultural drainage, higher yields, and sound investments.